Monday, July 16, 2012

Improve The Look Of Your Home With These Helpful Tips.

Appliance Repair Experts - 6 by Appliance Repair Experts

Knowing how to use appliance paint is great way to update kitchen appliances on a small budget. Often old appliances still function well, but may be an undesirable color. In these cases, appliance paint can be used to update the color of your kitchen, without the expense of a new appliance.

Using Appliance Paint to Repair Chips

Many manufacturers include a small amount of appliance paint to fix the appliance if it becomes chipped. In this case, the application process is fairly straightforward. First, clean the area thoroughly and allow it to dry. There should be no grease or lose paint to prevent the appliance paint from adhering. Next, using a disposable paintbrush, apply the appliance paint to the chip in the item you are repairing. Sometimes several coats can be used to cover the depression made by a deep chip.

How to Use Appliance Paint to Alter the Color of an Appliance

Learning how to use appliance paint to alter the color of an appliance can be difficult. Creating professional results will take time, effort, and a steady hand. Homeowners who expect a finish comparable to a new, professionally finished appliance will be disappointed. Also, appliances such as range tops and ovens should not be repainted.

Step #1: Choose the right paint. Appliance paint is usually available in brush on or spray on varieties. For this application, a spray on paint is desirable.

Step #2: Move the appliance. Place the appliance on a drop cloth for painting in a well ventilated area. For even application, consider shifting the appliance so the side being painted is always parallel to the floor.

Step #3: Clean the appliance thoroughly. Make sure that all the grease, dust, and other dirt is removed. Debris on the appliance will prevent the paint from adhering correctly. A degreaser is an excellent choice for most appliances.

Step #4: Mask or remove anything you do not wish to paint. Knobs and handles can often be removed, but other items, such as gaskets, will have to be carefully masked with painter's tape to protect them during painting.

Step #5: Apply the first coat. Apply a very thin coat of appliance paint, creating even coverage. Allow the coat to dry thoroughly before proceeding. You may have to paint each side of the appliance and allow it to dry separately.

Step #6: Apply subsequent coats. Three coats is the minimum for appliance paint, but more may be required depending on the colors being used.

Final Considerations

Using appliance paint in the kitchen may be difficult for people without experience using spray on paint, or the patience or time to complete this job. Many body shops and other professionals will refinish your appliance for several hundred dollars: a great deal when compared to the time required to complete this project.

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